One Trick Marketing Ponies.
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.”
We all have a lens that we look at things through. Things like philosophies, convictions, religion, politics, ethics, etc. and that’s what makes the well-rounded world go ’round. It’s the hodge-podge of thought, the situations that have brought us to how we think and see the sun that help shape the world. Sometimes, though, we get tunnel vision. One thing, and one thing only is, in our world, the only way. The only path to whatever, the only way to think, the only way others should think and when those ‘others’ don’t see it our way, they are obviously wrong. Dangerous for certain.
When it comes to digital marketing, one-sided thinking will lead to failure, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but without a doubt, soon. Dirty lenses or lenses that aren’t even capable of being cleaned to let the ‘light come in’ turn into archaic thinking, and ultimately, lead to a catastrophic failure. It’s ok to have theories, it’s ok to have philosophies, but in the marketing world, there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat and honestly, the best way to skin the cat is through utilizing a wide variety of methods, a holistic approach if you will.
Meet The One Trick Marketing Pony
The one trick digital marketing pony knew about one way to do things, fifteen glorious years ago. Back in the day, this worked or back in the day, our marketing team scored hits because we simply focused on one angle. Guess what? the Internet changes EVERY day. The methods, what works, what doesn’t work. The algorithms, the attention span of a hungry digital populous, the platforms that we as a society use to post cat photos and spread proud dad photos of our kiddos. Marketing folks who rely on the way we used to do it are destined to fail. Marketers who cannot clean their marketing lenses end up in a brand tail-spin and look for the next people to blame for its failure.
The one trick digital marketing pony can’t continue to grow. The digital marketing space is fluid, as fluid as can be and certain lenses just don’t work anymore, and will probably not work again in the future. As long as we as a society keep changing the way we pay attention to stimulus and outside influences, the marketing folks worth their salt will continue to adjust strategy on the fly. They remain committed to learning, they remain OPEN to new ideas and concepts. They try, they fail, they try again and win. They rely on multiple strategies in order to skin the cat properly and cover all of the bases. They simply continue to clean their lenses.
Thanks for reading, and for cleaning your lenses from time to time.
Take care and thanks for sharing.
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The Archer In The Fog.
I've been listening to a great book lately, The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib. Allan is basically laying out his approach to how businesses can create a remarkable easy to follow marketing plan that actually does something for your bottom line. One of my favorite analogies that he used to describe people who don't take the time to perform market research and profile out their target consumer is an Archer In The Fog.
The archer in the fog can't obviously see a damned thing when he's trying to hit his mark.
Successful marketers take the time to get to know their audience. They understand that not everyone is their intended client / customer. I've asked so many business marketing departments who their target audience is and the response that I often get sends shivers down my spine. "Everyone." We can sell to everyone. But can you? Can you realistically compete against Amazon? Can you compete with Wal Mart? Do you have the funds to compete with Apple who can spend millions upon millions to transmit their message over and over? You can not. So stop trying.
The Niche
Let's take for an example an aesthetic medical practice that performs botox and other cosmetic procedures. The ambitious doctor opens her practice and is out to rule the world. She decides she wants to market her services to EVERYONE within a 20 mile radius. She thinks to herself, "they all need my services." Here's the problem. No they don't. Here's the other problem. There are 500 OTHER aesthetic practices within the 20 mile radius all trying to do the same damned thing as her. She needs to niche. What if she targeted pregnant moms that are looking for cosmetic work? It's a solid niche filled with resources. There are plenty of newly pregnant moms. And even better, they ALL talk to each other and learn from each other. Why not create your marketing campaigns around THEM? Give them resources, support them, be there for them, and oh yeah, sell to them when they need your cosmetic services.
The argument is always, well, I'm losing out on a huge market share by niching, but now you're the archer without the fog. You're targeting CLEARLY and acquiring your targets. Once you own this space, if you have the capacity, figure out another niche and market the crap out of that. FOCUS and you'll win.
The Human Factor
All too often marketing is all about the products that people sell. "We sell the best damned reciprocating saws," or, "Our computers are made with 90 gigowatt plasma induced gingerbread flux capacitors." Yes, this CAN be important to some, but the problem is, you're not solving anyone's problems by dwelling on the specs of your product. Have you ever heard Apple Computer tell you in a commercial how powerful their core processors are on their iMacs? They sell by being human. They sell by selling a lifestyle, an attitude, a sense of belonging to something larger and great. Take a look at your marketing, your ad copy, your website, your messaging. Is it product centric or people centric? If you find yourself always talking about how wonderful your company is, or just how awesome your products are, odds are, you're turning people away. Make it about them, and seize the day. Make it about them and come out of the fog. Shoot with clarity and reap the benefits down the road.
Lessons Learned... From A Benedictine Monk.
I just recently sold my digital marketing agency, On Target. After owning, operating, and being the chief marketing officer for a full service agency, I’ve learned MANY lessons. My next few posts will be dedicated to the lessons I’ve learned over those 16 years, and hopefully, you’ll gain a tiny tidbit here or there that will help you along your way. Oh, by the way, I’m not retired. I’m not semi-retired. I’m looking for that next big marketing chapter/thing, so if you’re looking for an innovator, a strategist, a think on his feet kind of leader, I’d love to treat you to some exceptional coffee and have a chat.
Ok, enough with the promotions, let’s get to it.
The Interview.
I had a great job interview the other day and he asked me a great question that has kept resonating through my mind. “Since you’ve sold your agency, will/do you still have the drive?” Wow.
The answer is a resounding YES. In my humble opinion, drive is innate. It can’t necessarily be taught. If you have it, you have it. Can you lose it? Perhaps. Perhaps it gets eroded over time, maybe the drive gets stolen by a series of losses, maybe the flames get kicked down a few notches due to strife. I do, however, firmly believe that it can be recharged. Perhaps a new win, maybe a solid plan comes together, maybe you take a long kayaking trip or walk through the woods and recharge your batteries. Those flames can be re-stoked.
My Trigger.
I remember this day like it was yesterday. During my freshman year at Saint Meinrad Catholic Seminary with a bunch of super cool Jedi-esque Benedictine monks, my grades SUCKED. I mean, lukewarm doesn’t even begin to describe them. I was pulled into the Academic Deans office (NEVER a good day) and was informed that if I don’t get my S#@! together, I wasn’t necessarily going to have the great privilege of studying at that fine institution much longer. THIS sparked the flames. This ignited the drive. It took a nice swift kick in the ass to get my drive throttled.
From that day on, I kicked it in to high gear, got kickass grades, grew as a leader, loved studying, loved writing, loved research, and most importantly, loved to WIN. That kick in the ass from that loving, yet stern monk was what I needed to solidify my hard-wiring to want to win. By the time I had graduated St. Meinrad, I was on the president’s honor role, had become president of the student run non-profit, traveled around Indiana with the development team to tell my story, and received the Pour Le College award upon graduation.
That kick in the ass sparked it all. That kick in the ass allowed me to build a company from nothing. That kick in the ass allowed me to close millions upon millions of dollars of new clients. That kick in the ass gave me the opportunity to field hundreds of live TV interviews and be seen as an expert in my field. That kick in the ass allowed me to understand and know when it was time to sell On Target at the top of my game, and that kick in the ass will allow me to crush it for whoever grants me the opportunity to steer their marketing ship.
Not To Brag.
I truthfully don’t say all of this to brag. I simply want to illustrate a point here. To be a success, you need a fire from within. To crush it and win that deal, or steer that ship, or handle that TV interview, or thread the needle, you need a fire within. For me, it’s all about the win. Whatever that win is, I want it, and I hate to lose. This drive can be a real curse, but it can also be a real blessing. Whatever organization/business I land at, my drive to win for them will never be compromised. It only will get stronger.
Photo credit : Saint Meinrad Archabbey
My Two Cents.
To unlock your inner badassery, challenge yourself. Don’t take NO for an answer. Test your limits. Do the uncomfortable things. LISTEN to people. Listen to advice BUT don’t take advice from people who haven’t crushed it, don’t take advice from people who offer you random critiques and unsolicited advice. Take time to recharge your batteries, whether that’s in solitude, riding your bike, hanging with your kiddos, going on a long drive, listening to podcasts, whatever turns your crank, do it, and make ZERO apologies for doing that.
The flame is there, sometimes you just need a good, swift kick in the ass from a “monk” to fuel it.
If you’re looking for a marketing pro who loves to win, with plenty of real life experience to lead your marketing department, let’s chat. Drop me a line at or give me a call at 321-363-6469.
Lessons Learned Series... The Fender.
I recently sold my digital marketing agency, On Target. After owning, operating, and being the CEO/President for a full service agency, I’ve learned MANY lessons on how not to lead a business, how not to hire, and who NOT to take on as a client.
My next few posts will be dedicated to the lessons I’ve learned over those 16 years, and hopefully, you’ll gain a tiny tidbit here or there that will help you along your way. Oh, by the way, I’m not retired. I’m not semi-retired. I’m looking for that next big thing, so if you’re looking for an innovator, a strategist, a think on his feet kind of leader, I’d love to treat you to some exceptional coffee and have a chat.
Ok, enough with the shameless Pure Grind Coffee promotions, let’s get to it.
Arrogance will get you nowhere. Confidence will get you everywhere.
Over the years I’ve met all kinds of characters. Creative folks, businessy type folks, natural leaders, hyper-intelligent individuals, dorks, jerks, amazing humans, sheepish people, you name it. I learned how to quickly size people up and make a determination on whether or not I thought that we (the On Target team) should take them on as a client. The type of individual that ALWAYS turned me off, that ALWAYS made me turn around and run the other way were arrogant folks. THEY believe that they are indeed the smartest person in the room, that their degree earns them a certain place in the world, that they can push people around, walk all over them and give zero Fs about any of the other human beings around them. They often exclaim that they are just direct, or that they call em’ like they see em. There’s a time and a place for being direct, I get that, but if every sentence out of your mouth is a complete insult to the other people around you, you’re arrogant.
Enter The Fender.
At the On Target offices, there is still a fender attached to the wall. Yes. A Fender. It was sent to us by a past client that refurbished some classic trucks. A client that I was so allured to simply because of their product. A client that, back in the day, I HAD to win. I’ll never forget my first sales call with this gentleman, he drilled me like I was a rich oil field. Question after question, only to tell me just how intelligent HE was for grilling me like he was. He was proud of the way he was treating me. He had worked with agencies in the past and found them ALL to be dumb asses (his words.) I persisted, he hired us, he treated us like absolute garbage DAILY. Constantly raising the bar as we’d meet the sales goals, sometimes to ridiculous levels, but we won every time. I understand the whole concept of pushing a team, but to be honest, I don’t need to be pushed, nor does the On Target team. They thrive on winning already, it was part of our DNA. I waited too long to fire them, in fact, I lost a highly valued team member because she couldn’t take his abuse any longer. Lesson learned.
That fender remained, even after an office remodel as a constant reminder that my job was to always protect my team. Every time I walked past that fender, I remembered.
To help you spot arrogance before it infects your organization, here’s the definition:
1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner an arrogant official. 2 : showing an offensive attitude of superiority : proceeding from or characterized by arrogance an arrogant reply.
I found that in my 16 years of doing business, of doing sales, of onboarding new clients, that I tended to gravitate towards nice human beings. I didn’t want to close bullies. I didn’t want to be in the same room as some guy/gal who thought that the entire planet revolved around them. I adopted and lived by the Golden Rule, treat others as you’d have them treat you. It’s pretty simple thinking actually and it made my team so much more inclined to go the extra mile for our clients.
My two cents, find customers that aren’t jack-wagons. Keep doing that. Your team and your sanity will thank you.
Tech Talk : Keep Your Business Safe From Spear Phishing With A Human Firewall
My good friend Tom Craig, with Advanced Systems Solutions and I chat about creating a human firewall at your business. Hackers and cyber punks are getting way better at tricking businesses into letting their guard down, which allows them to gain access to your sensitive files, network, etc..
We’re seeing a huge uptick in ransomware, malicious software, and more, so it’s imperative that you train your employees how to spot potential cyber risks.
Thanks so much for listening and be sure to subscribe to the T2 Tech Talk Podcast where ever you get your podcasts.
Tech Talk : SEO Jacking & Cloud Computing For Non Profits
Have you ever spent years and years building something that you’re so proud of? Those countless hours of work, blood, sweat, and tears, the trials, the tribulations, the wins, the losses. Last weekend, something I’ve worked on for over 13 years was basically stolen from me, and my latest podcast breaks it down for you and gives you some pointers on how to keep your DOMAIN and business safe.
Tom Craig and I also break down the cloud for non-profits and show you how to keep your tech provider honest, we’ve seen way too many non-profits AND businesses getting completely taken advantage of by their tech provider and we’re sick of it, damnit!
I really appreciate the listen and would love it if you’d share this podcast with a friend. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, Google Play or where you listen to your podcasts.
Tech Talk: Crazy About Nuts & ADA Compliance For Your Website
In my latest T2 Tech Talk Podcast, my good friend Tom Craig and I go down MANY rabbit holes, but ultimately surface and give you some really important tips about ADA compliance and your website. As hundreds of lawsuits stop popping up all over the United States, it’s imperative that your website is accessible to all visitors, this applies to cities, counties, commercial websites and more.
Tune in and enjoy some humor, some expertise and some shenanigans on the T2 Tech Talk Podcasts!
Aunt Sally’s Jello Mold, Lots Of Nuts & Marketing & Tech Tips For Aspiring Small Business Owners
Looking to start a small business? You’ve GOT to listen to my latest podcast with Tom Craig. We dig deep into what kind of tech ‘stuff’ and marketing ‘stuff’ you need to start and grow a thriving business. You’ll laugh, cry, and arm yourself with some powerful information to help you plan, grow, and build your business.
Thanks so much for listening and sharing, I’d love for you to subscribe on iTunes or the Google Play store if you’re into all of that. You don’t want to miss an episode!
Status Level = EXPERT.
How To Attract Media Coverage Through Digital Marketing.
So many people ask me how I've managed to become a trusted media provider of Tech & Digital Marketing content. The simple answer? I'm an expert. The more complicated answer? It took me years to finally come to the realization that I have to tell my story. I have to be comfortable enough to tell the world that I'm an expert. Once I did that, everything changed.
I'll never forget... Looking down at the caller ID in my office and seeing the Daily Buzz calling me. The Daily Buzz was a Nationwide morning program filmed live here in Orlando. They had done a Google search and found me under a keyphrase like Social Media Expert. After a few appearances on the Daily Buzz, my phone rang under. This time, it was the local Orlando Fox affiliate. They came to my offices and shot a piece on Social Media. Not long after that, I was appearing in their studios, sometimes taping 2-3 segments at a time.
This earned media coverage has been a blessing, one that I NEVER take for granted, one that helps instill confidence in my prospects, one that helps me stay on top of the ever-changing tech and digital marketing space. I've had the great fortune to appear on TV now over 260 times. As a side effect, I've also been on other media outlets and channels, have been covered in the USA Today, have been on a global station, CCTV a few times, it's been amazing.
So, how can you become a trusted expert? Well first and foremost, you have to know your stuff. Read EVERYDAY, absorb your industry, go to the networking events and hang out with smarter people than you. Read industry publications, subscribe to every bit of information that you can in order to constantly improve yourself. Next, the hard part, TELL the world that you're an expert. People want to buy from experts, they want to know that you / or your company is the absolute best. No one wants to work with a novice, ever.
9 Ways To Help Build Your Expert Status Level
- Start a blog. Keep it up. Share your thoughts, share your wisdom, share your feelings about the state of your industry.
- Keep your social media on point. Tweet and post about your industry, share your insights with substance, remind people that you are the expert in your space.
- Build your tribe. I can't stress this enough, surround yourself on social media with influencers who believe in you and your expertise. Feed them, enlighten them, entertain them.
- Build a media list. Find the right people that you want coverage from on social media. Be a real human being, don't spam them, don't solicit them, but feed them and help to make their jobs easier. Reporters need your help, they need your expertise, make it available to them.
- Be gracious. If you do get a media hit or inquiry, be nice. I can't state that enough. Try to be as accommodating as you can to help the reporter get the information that they need.
- Be thankful. After a media hit, remember to thank the media outlet / reporter, etc.. Professional courtesy goes a long way.
- Market your media hit. Don't forget to post your media hit on social media, boost it on Facebook, upload it to your website / blog, it helps to attract other media outlets and builds credibility for your company / business.
- Google is your friend. Be certain that you are keeping your blog / social media channel / youtube channel current. The media USES Google to find experts like you.
- NEVER, EVER sell your products or promote yourself during any media hit. It's perfectly acceptable to say who you are and what you do, but, this is not an opportunity to sell, EVER.
Again, the hardest part of all of this is telling the world that you're an expert. I'm actually a very shy individual and don't thrive on telling people how awesome I am. It's hard, but it HAS to be done. No one will recognize you as an expert if you don't recognize yourself as one first.
Thanks for reading and good luck out there!
Follow Me On Twitter For More Expert Digital Marketing / Tech Tips.
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Contact Me
If I can help your business grow and thrive with expert Digital Marketing / SEO guidance, please call me. In Orlando, 407-830-4550, Nationwide: 866-998-6886.
#MarketingFail : Don't Hire An IT Guy To Do Your Marketing
Ever hear the expression set it and forget it? I think lots of folks think that SEO, Digital Marketing and Content Marketing are all technical. Some technician wearing a pocket protector sits behind a terminal and tweaks, makes some adjustments to your website and BAM, instant success. When I’m out speaking to organizations I often ask what they think an SEO guy or girl looks like and 9 times out of 10, they describe that tech geek.
Digital Marketing is ever evolving. It demands a strategy. It demands attention, it demands change and oftentimes, needs to rapidly be adjusted in order to work. Companies that rely on that tech geek to drive traffic to their website are failing. Why? Here’s a few reasons:
1.) The corporate web site sucks.
It doesn’t matter how much traffic you through at a bad website, it still won’t convert.
2.) Mismatch.
If you’re trying to get your tech geek to get you ranked under search terms that don’t make any sense to your consumers, when they land on your website, they are going to bounce straight off, because the search doesn’t match what they (the consumers) are after.
3.) Social Media Automation.
Scheduling a bunch of social media posts that are all about selling your products and services is a great way to fail at Digital Marketing. People on the Internet are NOT looking to be sold to. They will un-follow your business / brand quicker then crap through a goose if they feel like you’re trying to sell to them.
4.) BORING, automated content written for search engines and NOT humans.
This is probably one of the most common infractions on the web today. Search engines crave content, so do people. It is often VERY tempting to hire an off-shore company to create content in order to hyper-inflate your SEO. This MAY work for a bit, but as soon as one of your customers / prospects / website visitors reads this jumbled up nonsense, they hit the back button and move on to your competitor. Crappy content can do more harm to your brand then anything.
Believe it or not, running a successful pay per click or Gooogle Adwords campaign is NOT easy. I actually think that Google has done a disservice to small businesses by offering them the $50.00 coupons that they send out to new businesses. Business owners, hungry for their own piece of the Google real estate jump in, create a campaign and flip the switch. They often BURN through all of their money within 8 hours with oftentimes, ZERO leads, sales, results, etc.. There are many nuances of running a successful PPC campaign that experienced Digital Marketers know.
It’s like this.
The web changes daily. You need not only a strategy to reach your core demographic, you need a partner who understands how to execute, analyze, re-adjust and tweak constantly. If your digital marketing strategy isn’t changing frequently, odds are you’re doing it wrong.